If you love Strength Republic, and you love your friends, then get them training with you!

All you have to do is fill out the form below with your details and theirs, and if they sign up, you get $100 cash* (like actually $100 cash).

See that asterix next to the word cash…that means there are some terms and conditions. Check them at the bottom of the page.


As you can imagine, there are some terms and conditions that apply before you get the cash:

  1. Your friend can not be joining on a new Fitness Passport membership, a No Commitment membership or a Trial Membership.

  2. If you are a current Fitness Passport member, you’re allowed to refer new members. Refer to Point 1 above for what memberships your friend cannot sign up on.

  3. Your friend actually has to sign up; it’s not $100 for a phone number or name. Once they’ve signed up, then you get the cash.